Star Trek Discovery: The Good, the Bad, and the GEEEEEEET OUT!
I've been a Star Trek fan for as long as I can remember. Literally. Some of my first memories are watching Data cut into a Diana Troy cake (with mint frosting!), and other ones involving the Holodeck and me not understanding what the Holodeck was, so I ended up thinking the show had strange lapses in logic. But as a kid, I was cool with it. I thought weird bubble people floating around while everyone else took mud baths on the Enterprise was what made the show great, despite me having no clue why it was there. Later on in life, I grew to appreciate the finer points of Star Trek. The intricate plots, the powerful statements, the new additions of lore--even one or two of the silly Holodeck episodes where science ficiton goes out the window and fantasy rides in on its majestic, photonic-forcefield horse. I know the lore inside and out. I've seen every episode of Star Trek in existence at least once in my life--most of them twice or more. Kathryn Janeway serves as my childhood he...